During location filming in Accra, Ghana for The Two Coins – Meditations of Trade, I was introduced to the prevailing Neo Pan Africanist mood throughout the academic and creative intelligencia, especially during the period of celebrating Ghana’s 50th anniversary of political independence. One such group was the Africando Dance Ensemble based in Accra. This is one […]
How do Yellow Butterflies Sing? – (Your first word) is a response to many questions asked an artist during Jamaica St Open Studio exhibitions Bristol. I decided to turn the tables on the viewer as an interactive video installation asking sitters bizarre questions while editing these answers immediately in camera. Some of the answers challenged […]
Originally inspired as part of a multimedia temporary sculpture and moving image installation created to surround monuments erected in memory of the 18th Century slave traders, the intention of The Two Coins: Meditations on Trade video essay was to present an unprejudiced historical legacy while highlighting collective responsibility to prevent negative forms of 21st Century trade, which create […]
– This installation performance work is based on a poem written by the artist and often performed live during poetry slam events . It drew inspiration from the sights from the artist’s past studio in Bristol UK. Essentially an autobiographical critique on contemporary culture and the challenge to remain balanced through the constant onslaught of […]